Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day 5 - First day at sitters too!

So today was another milestone. We went to the sitters with only pull ups. She has 2 kids who are potty trained and a potty chair. I figured these are the requirements for proper potty training. I explained out process as if it was some kind of miracle that I had secretly found. Ask her to sit on the potty at regular intervals. Amazing. So Gabby spent the day with the sitter and a potty chair. Per the sitter she peed twice. I think I believe her as there are older kids there. But I'm not sure. Either way we took her to the dollar store for a toy (and a toy supply). She picked a stick horse. Rode it all over the dollar store. She found many other things that she wanted but we managed to talk her in to just one. I got a couple things that were good gift toys. Ted and I explained that the toy was for peeing in the potty like a big girl. She didn't seem to quite get this. As we drove home I tried to reiterate why she got a toy. I think maybe we connected. Who knows. Last night was probably stronger connection as it was right after she peed. Now we've taken a bath, brushed our teeth and are ready for bed. (All that was thanks to Ted as I've been typing this whole time) SLACKER! So tomorrow is day 2 at the sitters. Maybe we can keep up the peeing.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 4 and success!

All day with daddy lead to no success. We got the "special toy" if we peed or pooped in the potty chair. After no nap today, a bath and lots of water, we finally peed on the potty. A lot of pee. Haha! We got our special toy! Hopefully we can keep this up thru day care. Here's hoping!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 3

Much the same as Day 2. Only less stressful as I have taken a less pushy roll. We reward for sitting on the potty so it's not so much a struggle. Made a little bit of headway. I accidentally called her pull up a diaper and she said "no diaper". So she doesn't want the diapers anymore. So I am greeting this with the enthusiasm of a positive step! Now I need to go to wal mart and get more pull ups! Otherwise I am much less stressed today. Wet pull ups are just a fact of potty training. Need to stop looking at it as a waste. It won't be a waste when she is finally potty trained! Ahh- enjoying the rest of my rainy Sunday, mac n cheese and Max and Ruby. No wonder I'm blogging!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Day 2 continues

So we went outside to dig up the daffodils that randomly flower in my front yard. I made Gabby sit on the potty before we headed out. She did nothing- big surprise there! We went outside for about an hour. I admit- I was lazy. I didn't make her come inside to sit. So by the time we came in she had wet her pull up. No surprise. We sat on the potty again. We washed the dirt off out hands. We had some cookies and juice. We watched Ni Hao Kai Lan. And at some point she pooped. In her pull up. Oh ya! So I was frustrated. I tried to be positive. It's difficult to be positive about poop. We went to her changing table so I could clean her up. We talked about how only babies wear diapers and she looks at me and says "I Baby!" Oy vey! So I'm guessing there is little motivation to pee on the potty. At one point Gabby was watching tv and suddenly grabbed at the pull up. I got very excited and said "Whoo hoo! Let's go potty!" I guess Gabby got so excited she ran around the room, and then in to her playhouse so by the time I got hold of her, she had wet her pull up. I felt very negative. I decided it would be best to just hug Gabby and not say anything. Now Gabby is sitting on the potty again watching Max and Ruby - her favorite- and we are waiting for something to happen. And waiting, waiting, waiting...

Day 2 (Cause Day 1 is Boring)

So- potty training Gabby at age 2 years and 5 months. Not that I'm caring what age she is. But she is MOST definitely ready! She can undress in the middle of the night. She stays dry for hours at a time. She follows simple directions. The one thing they don't tell you about is to take your child's personality in to account. Basically, I feel like I am training the stubborn, head-strong version of Ted and myself. That, for anyone who hadn't figured it out, is IMPOSSIBLE! So- to start with Ted started day 1. Gabby was up at 7am as I was getting up to go to work so Ted got her first and tried to get her to sit on the potty chair. She SCREAMED! And the again. I got up grabbed a few toys and headed in to help. We tried to make it exciting but at 7 am Gabby is not easily amused. Finally she sat on the potty. And did nothing. This is the theme. We are wearing pull ups now. So all day Ted sat her on the potty for awhile, she did nothing, then put her pull ups on, and 10 minutes later she peed. We went through 3 pull ups on day 1. Day 2 started a little better. It was Saturday so I was home and Ted didn't have to go to work until later so we were up at 8:30 (thank god she slept in later!) Again, no to the potty chair and finally gave in. She sits on this darn chair for 10 - 20 minutes at a time and nothing happens. I have never seen her wet her pull ups so I don't know what she looks like when she pees. We managed to have a couple poopys on the potty chair but I believe that was an accident, not on purpose. Either way she gets a sticker and she puts them on top of the potty chair. I really thought after day 1 exposure day 2 we would start peeing, but apparently I was wrong. I really wish I knew Gabby's signals so I could catch her when she had the feeling! Oy- this is gonna be hard! I guess if it was easy there wouldn't be a billion web sites, books, dvds. Haha! More at the end of day 2!